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18 grudnia 2024
A dark starfield has an unusual galaxy in the center.
This galaxy has a spindle-like shape showing two dust
lanes -- one running vertically and one running diagonally
from the upper left. 
Więcej szczegółowych informacji w opisie poniżej.

NGC 660: Polar Ring Galaxy
Źródło obrazu i prawa autorskie: Mike Selby

Opis: What kind of strange galaxy is this? This rare structure is known as a polar ring galaxy, and it seems to have two different rings of stars. In this galaxy, NGC 660, one ring of bright stars, gas, and dark dust appears nearly vertical, while another similar but shorter ring runs diagonally from the upper left. How polar ring galaxies obtain their striking appearance remains a topic of research, but a leading theory holds that it is usually the result of two galaxies with different central ring planes colliding. NGC 660 spans about 50,000 light years and is located about 40 million light years away toward the constellation of the Fish (Pisces). The featured image was captured recently from Observatorio El Sauce in Chile.

Jutro: otwarta przestrzeń

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Autorzy i wydawcy: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) i Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
NASA Official: Amber Straughn obowiązują określone prawa.
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Serwis prowadzony przez: ASD w NASA / GSFC,
NASA Science Activation
oraz Michigan Tech. U.